Tuesday, November 13, 2012


     Here’s what I’m going to do, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about some really great movies without ruining any of the good parts. I’m not going to grade these by letter, star count, number of thumbs up or down, or freshness of produce. I’m just going to tell you what you need to know in order for you to decide if want to see it or not.
     Today’s movie is Argo
Plot Summary found in imdb.com
     "A dramatization of the 1980 joint CIA-Canadian secret  operation to extract six fugitive American diplomatic personnel out of revolutionary Iran."

Cast List: I’ll list the most recognizable actors. Next to each I’ll list a few of their bigger movies in case you wonder where else you’ve seen them.
Ben AffleckGood Will Hunting, The Town, He’s Just Not That Into You
Bryan CranstonBreaking Bad, Malcolm In The Middle
Alan ArkinLittle Miss Sunshine, Edward Scissor Hands
John GoodmanThe Big Lebowski, Rosanne, Monsters Inc.
Victor GarberAlias, Titanic
      Let me assure you that 21 dull words thrown together as a plot summary do not come close to describing how incredibly suspenseful this movie is. Argo was written and directed by Ben Affleck and he has a pretty strong track record when it comes to writing and directing movies. He wrote Good Will Hunting with Matt Damon, and he also wrote and directed The Town and Gone Baby Gone which were equally suspenseful and well received by Academy Award voters. If you haven’t seen those movies stop reading now and watch them.
     Here is what this movie is really about. There are 6 Americans who work at the US Embassy in Iran during an uprising. The Iranians take over the US Embassy and these six Americans escape and hide out in the Canadian Ambassador’s house. The CIA is responsible for getting these people out of Iran and back to the US. They come up with a pretty ridiculous scheme to get them out, and the chances of it working are real slim. I also need to mention that this is based on a true story. I know it sounds only so so, but I promise that by the time this movie is over you will find yourself on the edge of your seat.
     Ben Affleck is a babe, we all know that. He’s really the straight guy in this movie. He’s the one who is responsible for the lives of these six people stranded in Iran. For comic relief we have Alan Arkin and John Goodman who have pretty much nailed the role of old men who have grown content with the dull reality of their long and uneventful lives. Anything with John Goodman in it is worth watching, more on him later.
     If you can, I’d recommend seeing it in the theaters. Some movies are better to watch hung over on your couch on a rainy Saturday, but seeing Argo on the big screen helps to ramp up the tension that I think Ben Affleck was going for.
 Below is Argo's trailer. Check it out!

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