I’ve seen a lot of movies over the past ten days, it is Academy Awards season after all. I have so many movies to tell you guys about so keep checking in for updates and new blogs.
Today I’m going to be talking about Silver Linings Playbook. I read amazing things about this movie and it’s predicted to be one of the movies nominated for Best Picture. It was amazing! It was definitely a real underdog movie that manges to make you think, 'compared to these people, my life isn't that bad' but you also want them to do well in the end.
Here’s the plot summary from imdb.com
After a stint in a mental institution, former teacher Pat Solitano moves back in with his parents and tries to reconcile with his ex-wife. Things get more challenging when Pat meets Tiffany, a mysterious girl with problems of her own.
Cast List:
Bradley Cooper: The A Team, The Hangover, Limitless
Jennifer Lawrence: The Hunger Games, Winter’s Bone, X Men First Class
Robert De Niro: Raging Bull, Godfater Part II, Meet The Parents
The plot summary does a pretty good job of describing the black and white details of this film. Pat, played by Bradley Cooper is on his way out of a court mandated stay at a psychiatric clinic. He leaves this clinic with one goal in mind, prove to his ex-wife that he’s a better, thinner, and calmer man who will do anything to win her back. He’s eventually set up with Tiffany, a young widow with plenty of problems of her own played by Jennifer Lawrence. Because of a restraining order Pat has no way of showing his ex wife just how much work he’s done to better himself for her. Tiffany agrees to talk to Pat’s ex but under one condition, that Pat sign up to dance with her in a ballroom competition.
This is a story of two people who are lost, so lost that to others they seem crazy. They feel crazy too, and they do some really crazy things, but they are both on a mission to find the good out of their really unfortunate circumstances.
I loved this movie. It’s definitely not a melodrama either it’s a really funny and honest movie. I strongly recommend it especially for anyone that thinks they may be a little bit crazy.